I don't know about you but I have been "self-caring" like crazy lately.  And it isn't enough.  So I keep going.  And some days it is an effort to continue.  I am being honest.   And, always, after the self care, I feel relief.  And often, joy!

The truth of the matter is that if you need to take time for you, for self care or  whatever you call it (maybe it is "Me Time").  And if you don't make time for it, you will get lost and end up feeling worse.   And worse.  Currently we are trained and expected to get things done.  Do more.  Check off all the items on the list.  Finish what you started (at all costs).  As if the ultimate is having the longest, most completed "to do" list.  And then doing more!

I have learned, the hard way, that paying attention to my body and my emotions is the best guidance.  If I need to chill, meditate, journal, hike, laugh, cry, workout, relax in the hammock, play with my pups, drink some matcha, etc, then the best thing for me to do is THAT thing.  Or maybe I could say that the best thing is to just "be".  Be where I am, with what I am feeling and allow myself to do what would serve me most.  And it doesn't have to be a long period of "being".  And it might serve me to "be" for the entire day.  Building up your reserves, treating yourself kindly and with love willl ultimately serve you best.

If you pay attention, I mean actually STOP and pay attention, I bet there is something screaming at you from the inside.  That is how it feels to me- like something screaming to get out.   And I can resist it because even though it is something I want to do and I know I would enjoy it, it does require some effort.  Knowing I would be willing to put in the effort for a friend, I can remember to push through (not every time, of course) and be my own best friend and set out to take care of myself.

 I can honestly say that I don't think I have ever regretted, intentionally taking the time for me. And most of the time I end up feeling more motivated to do the things that I "need" to do, after!

Do you hear that call?  The scream from inside to stop and spend some time on self-care or "me time"?

Will you listen to the call or ignore it?

What if you allowed it?  What if you invested in you by listening to it?  Even if it only for 5 minutes of your day. . .

Are you listening?

What do you hear?

Are you going to ignore it, again?

I dare you to indulge that call/request!

I triple dog dare you!